After new students receive admission to full-time post-secondary certificate or diploma programs, before registering for courses they must consult with a counselor/advisor
Because the school is not Title IV eligible, students cannot receive Federal financial aid. However, other financial aid may be available from the school or outside sources in the form of scholarships. Students must receive official admission to the school before applying for financial aid or scholarships. Any student planning to use any form of financial aid to attend school should contact the registrar’s office in advance of registration in order to provide adequate time to process information. Students without financial aid need to be prepared to pay their own tuition and fees when they register, unless they make arrangements for deferred payments.
Students who officially drop (or withdraw) from a class or program will receive a “W” grade and no credit for the course or program. Students who plan to discontinue class attendance should complete a withdrawal form in the Registration/Records Office as soon as possible after the decision has been made. Refund, if any, is determined by the date the student officially submits the form to the Registration Office. The final dates for a refund and for withdrawal will be published each semester on the school’s website. When students don’t officially withdraw from a class but stop attending, they will continue to be enrolled in the class and will receive a letter grade based on the work completed.
When a student registers for a class or program, space is reserved under the assumption the student plans to complete the course(s). A student record is started in the Registration Office computer. To drop or withdraw from a class or an entire program, the student must submit a written request to the Registration/Records Office. A form is available to use in making an official drop/withdrawal. Telephone requests will not be accepted. Until a student officially drops/withdraws at the Registration Office, the enrollment remains active with absences and grades recorded.
It is the responsibility of each student to notify the Registration/Records office of any change of address, name, telephone number, or other change that will affect his/her permanent records
A permanent record is maintained on each officially enrolled student. The record lists course numbers, course names, course credit hours, and course grades. The student may request to examine his/her record from a member of the Registration/Records Office staff or a school counselor.
Student records are maintained in compliance with the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. (Public Law 93-380, Sub Section 513.88 Statute 471.20 U.S.C. 1232Q).
Students who wish to have a copy of their Tarkio Technology Institute transcript sent to another educational institution, to a prospective employer, or for personal use, must complete a Request for Transcript from the Registration Office. Official transcripts cost a fee of $5 per copy. Official transcripts will not be made available to any student who owes money to the school. One week should be allowed from the time of the receipt of a request until the time the official transcript is mailed. Unofficial transcripts are available upon request at no cost to the student. Only students can request their personal transcripts.
In compliance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, also known as the Buckley Amendment, institutions of higher education such as the post-secondary program at Tarkio Technology Institute are required, on an annual basis, to inform students of their rights under the Act and to enumerate its basic provisions. The following statement constitutes such notice: Under the Act, a student 18 years of age and older at post-secondary institutions has the right to inspect and review all official records, files and data directly related to the student, including all material that is incorporated into the student's cumulative record file. The student shall have the right to challenge the contents of personal education records and has a right to have a hearing to ensure that the records are accurate. Student names and current enrollment status at Tarkio Technology Institute are considered public 4 information. Tarkio Technology Institute will respond to inquiries in this regard, whether they are made in person, by phone, or in writing. Other items are also considered public information, but students can prevent their disclosure by filing a written request with the Registration Office that they be withheld unless written permission is granted. The following items may appear in school directories and publications or be disclosed by staff to anyone inquiring in person, by phone, or in writing:
A. Classes, Program or Division
B. Date of enrollment
C. Number of hours currently taken or completed previously.
D. Certificates earned
E. Honors received
Student names may be released for graduation listings, and lists of special awards, honors, and events may be released to the news media. All other information contained in student records is considered private and not open to the public without written consent. Only the following individuals, because of their official function, have access to this information:
A. Tarkio Technology Institute officials.
B. Officials of other schools or colleges where the student intends to enroll.
C. State or federal educational authorities.
D. Officials requesting information in connection with a student's application for financial aid.
E. State and local officials requiring reporting data.
F. Accrediting organizations.
G. Parent(s) of a dependent student (proof of dependency may be required).
H. In compliance with a judicial order.
I. In case of an emergency to protect the health, safety, or welfare of the student or other persons.