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Health Occupations Program  Certified Nurse Assistant

    Tarkio Technology Institute is applying to offer a Health Occupations Program with a Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) emphasis. The nurse assistant program of study is designed to place students into the workforce upon completion of this certificate. The certificate program prepares students for entry level jobs in healthcare as a nurse aide in hospitals, in long-term health care, or assisted living facilities. The national job market for nurse assistants is large and growing steadily, with more opportunities for nurse aides in nursing care facilities than in hospitals. This program prepares individuals to perform routine nursing-related services to patients in hospitals or long-term care facilities, under the training and supervision of a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse. Missouri state standards require the CNA component of the course to be 75 hours instruction in the classroom and 100 hours supervised on the job training either at a long term care facility or a hospital. This program meets or exceeds these requirements. More information about the Missouri state requirements is found at Required credits for completion of the Health Occupations program are 21.5. Students may meet the CNA requirements by taking two classes – HSC 200 and HSC 250. Students may take any individual course without being in the Health Occupations program as long as they meet the course prerequisites, have the instructor’s permission, and space is available in the class.

Health Occupation Certificate

(Credits for Completion: 21.5)

Total Cost: $5,437.50

One Time Fees: $400 Equipment Fee

      $180 Book Rental Fee

      $20 Admission Fee



Immunization Requirements


  • Recent Diphtheria/Tetanus (DT booster) Immunization
  • Hepatitis A & B (series of immunizations) 
  • Two step Tuberculin (PPD skin test for TB)
  • Influenza
  • Chickenpox (Varicella) Vaccine


Program Entry Requirements

    Program Entry Requirements Before registering for the Health Occupation program, students must demonstrate competence in Mathematics with a minimum of 75 on the arithmetic portion of the College Placement Test, or provide a transcript showing a grade of C or higher in Senior High School Mathematics or by completing MATH098 College Preparation Math with a grade of C or higher. Students must apply for admission to a program and register for classes through the school’s Admission/Registrar Office. Students must meet class prerequisites, have the instructor’s permission, and there must be available space in the class.

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