
404 N 13th St, Tarkio, MO 64491

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(660) 623-9071

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Financial Aid

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act though the Missouri Job Center

WIOA programs help people access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and match employers with skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy.  WIOA authorizes programs in Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth formula programs.  WIOA programs can be accessed through the Missouri Job Centers. 

Vocational Rehabilitation

Voc Rehab is a program that allows people with

Missouri Vocational Rehabilitation 525 Jules, Room 201 State Office Building St. Joseph, MO 64501-1990

 The St.Joseph Vocational Rehabilitation office covers the counties of Andrew, Atchison, Buchanan, Caldwell, Clinton, DeKalb, Gentry, Holt, Nodaway, and Worth. 

(816) 387-2280

Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation 300 W. Broadway Suite 33 Council Bluffs, IA 51503

The Council Bluffs Vocational Rehabilitation Office has branch offices in Clarinda, Atlantic, and Creston. The counties served by these offices are Adair,  Adams, Cass, Clarke, Decatur, Fremont, Guthrie, Harrison, Madison, Mills, Montgomery, Page, Pottawattamie, Ringgold, Shelby, Taylor, and Union

Council Bluffs office (712) 328-3821

Clarinda office  (712) 542-5414

Atlantic office (712) 243-5346

Creston office (641) 782-8538

603 W. Mohawk RoadChillicothe, MO 64601

This office covers the counties of  Carroll, Chariton, Daviess, Grundy, Harrison, Linn, Livingston, and Mercer.


Kansas City has three offices

Kansas City Downtown Office- 615 E. 13th St., Suite G-3Kansas City, MO 64106

Kansas City East Office- Joseph P. Teasdale State Office Building

8800 E. 63rd Street, Ste. 260

Raytown, MO 64133.      (816) 743-8730

Kansas City North Office- 8030 N. Oak Trafficway

Kansas City, MO 64118-1209.    (816) 467-7900


We also have scholarships available for students attending classes. For more information on scholarships please go to our scholarships page.

Scholarships Page
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