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CNA Course Catalog

HSC 110

First Aid/CPR/AED

(Fall Semester)

Class 1 Hours

Credits 1

This course introduces the CNA student to basic first aid, CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), and the AED (or automated external defibrillator). Training will be provided by an American Red Cross or American Heart Association certified instructor.

HSC 113 Medical Terminology

(Fall Semester)

Class 3 Hours

Credits 3

This course introduces students to the language of medicine. Word building, analyzing, and defining exercises are used to learn medical terms built from word parts. Memorizing and recalling are used for medical terms not built from word parts. Spelling, pronunciation, and practical application is emphasized. Students will learn to use and understand medical terminology and the word parts used to build words in simulated real-world contexts.

HSC 115 Health Occupations

(Fall Semester)

Class 3 Hours

Credits 3

This course provides an overview of the role of the Certified Nurse Assistant within the healthcare professions. It includes employment trends, ethics, current health issues, and job search strategies. Students learn about CNA functions within various facilities and their relationship with the nurse and other staff. Students are introduced to the types of work done by a CNA.

HSC 128 Anatomy and Physiology

(Fall Semester)

Class 3 Hours

Credits 3

Anatomy and Physiology is a study of the structure and function of the human body including cells, tissues, and organs of the following systems: integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous and special senses. Emphasis is on interrelationships among systems and regulation of physiological functions involved in maintaining homeostasis. The lab provides a hands-on learning experience for exploration of human system components and basic physiology. Systems to be studied include integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, and special senses.

HSC 200 Nurse Aide

(Spring Semester)

Class 5 Hours

Credits 5

This course includes basic nursing skills required to provide safe, competent personal care for individuals. Emphasis is placed on person-centered care, the aging process, communication, safety/emergencies, infection prevention, legal and ethical issues, measurements, elimination, nutrition, basic restorative care/rehabilitation, dementia, mental health and end-of-life care. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and skills and be eligible to test for listing on the state registry. (Credits 5, Lecture 5, Lab 0, Total hours 75)

HSC 250 Clinicals

(Fall Semester)

Lab 7 Hours

Credits 3.5

Supervised on the job training either in a long term care facility or a hospital. A cooperative agreement will be signed by TTI and the entity supervising the clinical. The goal of the clinical is to provide actual hands-on experience for the student before taking the state certificate exam. (Credits 3.5, Lecture 0, Lab 7, Total hours 105)

COM 101 Fundamentals of Communications

(Spring Semester)

Class 3 Hours

Credits 3

This course provides an overview of the basic concepts of communication and the skills necessary to communicate in various contexts. Emphasis is placed on communication theories and techniques used in interpersonal group, public, intercultural, and mass communication situations. Upon completion, students should be able to explain and illustrate the forms and purposes of human communication in a variety of contexts. Successful completion of a comparable College Communications course (with a C or better) at another college will be accepted as transfer credit. (Credits 3, lecture 3, total 45)

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