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Advanced Computer Information Technology

Students who have completed the Computer Information Technology certificate program may enroll in Advanced Computer Information Technology Classes. Advanced CIT is a combination of advanced studies in Network+ and Security+. Students will complete both certifications in two semesters. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Computer Information Technology program.

Advanced CIT Class

(Credits for Completion: 8)

Total Cost $1520

Advanced CIT Semester 1

CIT 300 Network+ Certification

Credits 4

Class 1 Hour

Lab 6 Hours

Network+ prepares computer technologists to support the network regardless of the platform. It forms the foundation for specializing in vendor solutions. It covers both wired and wireless networks. Network+ provides knowledge and skills needed to troubleshoot, configure and manage wired and wireless networks. It provides professional-level understanding of emerging technologies, including cloud and virtualization technologies.

Advanced CIT Semester 2

CIT 400 Security+ Certification 

Credits 4

Class 1 Hour

Lab 6 Hours

 Security+ certification is a global certification that validates the baseline skills computer technologists need to perform core security functions and pursue an IT security career. Security+ emphasizes hands-on practical skills, ensuring the security professional is better prepared to problem solve a wider variety of issues. It is the first security certification IT professionals should earn and establishes the core knowledge required of any cybersecurity role to provide a springboard to intermediate-level cybersecurity jobs. Cybersecurity professionals with Security+ know how to identify and address security incidents.

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