Housing Agreement

Complete this and bring in a $250.00 deposit to:

Tarkio Technology Institute, PO Box 231, Tarkio, Missouri 64491

Tarkio Tech does not guarantee assignments. Room assignments are based on the order in which the agreements are recieved. They are not based on race, gender identity, gender expression, sex, sexual orientation, religion, color, national origin, age disability, or status as a protected veteran.

Students must present evience of having immunizations for Meningococcal disease (Meningitis) or a statement of exemption on file with the college. You must subit the Immunization Record prior to moving on campus.

Please read the Terms of Agreement underneath the housing application.

Housing Application

Terms of Agreement

1. License not a lease: This agreement is a license and not a lease. It creates no exclusive right on the part of the student to occupy any particular portion of TARKO TECH property. The School may assign or reassign the student to specific student housing, at the School's sole discretion, if it deems such action necessary or desirable. As a licensee hereunder, the student may not assign any rights or obligations created by this license agreement.

2. Eligibility: To be eligible to occupy TARKIO TECH housing, the student must be enrolled at TARKIO TECH

3. Term: The term of this agreement is for an ENTIRE ACADEMIC YEAR or for the remainder of an academic year if entered into subsequent to the beginning of the academic year. The academic year consists of fall and spring semesters and may include the summer session.

4. Room Assignments: The School will make all efforts to honor the preferences expressed by the student for a room assignment, but reserves the right to (re) assign the student to other rooms if necessary.

5. Room Occupancy Costs: The student agrees to pay room costs as annually established by TARKIO TECH. Current room costs are listed on page 1 of this application.

6. Personal Property: The student hereby agrees that any and all of the student's personal property or property of third parties in the student's custody or possession which may be on the School's premises shall be the sole responsibility of the student. The student waives any and all claims against and does hereby agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless TARKIO TECH, its Board of Directors, officers, agents and employees for loss, damage or destruction of student's property for any cause whatsoever. Students are advised to procure their own insurance against such losses. All personal property must be removed from the student's room no later than the last day of occupancy and the student hereby surrenders all claims to and abandons any property remaining on the premises after such date.

7. Deposit: A $250 deposit is required to accompany all applications for TARKIO TECH housing and will be retained by TARKIO TECH for so long as the student resides in TARKIO TECH housing. Unless the deposit is forfeited under any of the terms of this agreement, the deposit, less any assessment for damages or outstanding School charges, will be refunded to the student following termination of the housing agreement by the student and inspection of the premises and property by representatives of the School. The student agrees to be responsible for any cost of repair or defacement or damage to the room or common living areas and all School furnishings or property within the housing complex that are damaged or destroyed by the student or his/her guests. The student specifically agrees to be responsible for any damage or defacement to his/her assigned room regardless of who caused the damage or defacement.

If the cleaning/damage costs exceed the $250 deposit, the student will be responsible for the additional costs.

8. Cancellation and Termination:

Cancellation/Termination prior to the agreement period: A written request of cancellation of this agreement by the student received and approved by the President postmarked on or before August 1 for Fall Semester (agreements beginning with Fall Semester), December 1 for Spring Semester (agreements beginning with Spring Semester), will result in a refund of the deposit.

A request received after these dates will result in forfeiture of the deposit. If the initial agreement is signed after these dates and subsequently cancelled, the deposit will be forfeited.

b. Failure to occupy: If the student fails to occupy assigned housing by 8:00 a.m. on the second day of classes of any semester, the student shall forfeit the security deposit and agrees to pay for room occupancy for the remainder of the effective academic year.

c. Voluntary withdrawal from the School during the agreement period: If the student voluntarily withdraws from the School during the term of this agreement, the student shall forfeit the security deposit and agrees to pay for room occupancy for the remainder of the effective academic year.

d. Cancellation by student remaining enrolled at the School: If the student voluntarily requests cancellation of this agreement, and remains enrolled at the School, the student shall forfeit the security deposit and agrees to pay for room occupancy for the remainder of the effective academic year.

e. Termination for violation of School regulations: The student hereby consents and agrees to obey and abide by all TARKIO TECH policies and regulations governing occupants of housing facilities and recognizes the right of the School to terminate this agreement for breach of any such School policies and regulations. In the event of termination of the agreement by the School as a result of the student violating School regulations, the student shall forfeit the security deposit and pay for room occupancy for the remainder of the effective academic year. The School reserves the right to make changes in any and all such policies and regulations. In the event of cancellation or termination of this agreement, the student hereby agrees to vacate all TARKIO TECH housing facilities within 48 hours of notification of such cancellation or termination.

9. Occupancy/Vacation of Premises: Student housing will be closed during breaks and vacation periods. The student agrees to comply with the occupancy schedule maintained by the School. Student housing may be occupied and must be vacated in accordance with this schedule.

10. Room Entry: The School reserves the right for authorized School representatives to enter any rooms without prior student approval for housekeeping purposes, repair or maintenance, health, safety, or disciplinary reasons.

11. Missouri Agreement: This agreement is a Missouri agreement and shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Missouri.

Agreement, Student is waiving any tenancy right under Missouri law.

The parties agree that any suit filed regarding this agreement may only be filed in the Circuit Court of Atchison, Missouri. By entering into this

12. Controlled Substances: Smoking will not be allowed in the housing facility at any time. Due to the variety of ages sharing the housing facility, alcohol and other controlled substances may not be consumed or stored within the facility.

13. Enforcement: Tarkio Tech's cost to enforce this agreement will be borne by the Student, including but not limited to Tarkio Tech's reasonable attorney fees and costs.

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