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Reasons to become a plumber

Society will always need doctors and just like the need for doctors, society will always have a need for plumbers. Everyone, everywhere will always have a need for plumbers. Unlike many different jobs, a plumbers job cannot be outsourced. A good plumber will always be able to find work and at Tarkio Tech we strive to produce great plumbers.

Since the field of plumbing is licensed and  regulated there is plenty of room to grow an advance in the field. If you chose to work towards the goal of master plumber, you can achieve a higher salary, job flexibility, and more opportunities than other professions. As a plumber, you can chose to go into business for yourself. Giving you freedom to work when and where you want. In the United States the average salary of a plumber is $58,460. In Missouri the average salary is $55,712. Iowa has the average salary of $55,946. The average salary in Nebraska is $53,608.

 With a career in plumbing, you can have a wide variety of career paths that you could chose from. As a plumber, you could be repairing home sewer systems, designing plumbing systems for new buildings, managing city-wide water systems, expanding water systems, or developing new plumbing technologies. You won't have to be stuck behind a desk all day answering phones.

Taking the first steps to becoming a plumber doesn't have to be difficult. At Tarkio Tech we make it easy. By applying and joining our family, you will gain hands on training in our new plumbing laboratory. Our approach to teaching gives you the tools to be a successful plumber. 

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