
404 N 13th St, Tarkio, MO 64491

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High Pressure Pipe Welding Certification Program

This program is designed to give you a sound foundation in the principles, practices and usages of pipe welding, both shielded arc, gas metal arc and Flux cored arc welding pipe welding.

Program classes will be offered:

Summer semester & Fall Semester

Tarkio Tech, Dr.Jack Schmidt Welding Center

Course Catalog

(Credits for completion: 12)

Tuition and Fees: $3,060

  • WD 310 Adv. - Shielded Metal Arc Pipe Welding: 6 Credits
  • WD 320 Adv. - Flux Cored Arc Pipe Welding: 3 Credits
  • WD 330 Adv.  - Gas Metal Arc Pipe Welding: 3 Credits



Program Entry Requirements

Program Entry Requirements

  • Students must complete WD 102 Arc Welding and WD 202 Gas Metal Welding with at least a "C" average before registering.


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