Job oriented classes that lead students to success in careers that have a need for their services.
Our Mission
Student-focused education established on the principles of service to others and founded upon faith, honor and the human spirit.
Our Vision
Tarkio Technology Institute seeks to become a leading regional provider of technical and trade education and training, enriching lives through engagement in its communities and by promoting responsible growth and productivity.
Our History
Tarkio College was founded in 1883 largely through the efforts and support of a local farmer and entrepreneur, David Rankin. It became a well-respected, four-year private liberal arts college which continued to operate and bless its students, faculty, staff, and community at large until 1992. The campus sat idle for periods of time, while loyal alumni sought to recapture an educational mission for the school. The efforts brought forth fruit in 2019. Tarkio College d/b/a Tarkio Technology Institute (Tarkio Tech) was certified by the Missouri Department of Higher Education to provide needed technical training and skills for today’s workforce.
Our Future
As we look into the future of Tarkio Technology Institute, we plan on adding courses in Culinary Arts, Precision Farming and Advanced Manufacturing. We also have our Heritage Campaign. This campaign is to repair our campus. From repairing roofs to rennovating dorms, classrooms and creating a community building including childcare, coffee shop and a restaurant.
Our Goal
Our goal is to lead students to great paying hands on technical jobs within one year without spending thousands of dollars on their education.